Aliphatic Solvents

GJ Aliphatic Solvents Products

Here is a partial list of the products that we supply. You can either search alphabetically by clicking on the letters, or by typing your request in the search box then pressing FIND.


Synonyms: Sextane; Hexacarbane

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane ACS Grade n-Hexane<65%

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane ACS, N-Hexane>85%

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane FCC Grade n-Hexane<65%

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane High Purity >85%

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane High Purity 95%

CAS# 110-54-3

Hexane Pesticide Grade

CAS# 110-54-3


CAS# 110-54-3

Lactol Spirits

CAS# 64742-89-8


CAS# 64742-89-8

Mineral Spirits NEMS

CAS# 68551-17-7

Mineral Spirits Rule 66

CAS# 68551-17-7

Mineral Spirits Low Odor

CAS# 68551-17-7

Mineral Spirits Odorless

CAS# 68551-17-7

Mineral Spirits 200HT

CAS# 68551-17-7

Rubber Solvent

CAS# 64742-89-8

VM&P Naptha Esters

CAS# 64742-49-0

Solvent 140

CAS# 64742-47-8

Solvent 5

CAS# 2744-50-5

Solvent 19

CAS# 6368-72-5

Solvent 25

CAS# 3176-79-2

Solvent 40

CAS# 64742-48-9


Synonyms: N-heptane; Septane

CAS# 142-82-5

Mineral Spirits 66/3 Low Odor

Synonyms: Naphthol Spirits 66/3; Petroleum hydrocarbon solvent; Stoddard Solvent; Mineral Spirits; Quick-drying Mineral Spirits; Short-range Mineral Spirits

CAS# 64742-47-8

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GJ Chemical is happy to source any material you are having trouble finding.

Products highlighted in yellow are IN STOCK with lead time of less than 3 days